How much should a full grown French bulldog eat a day?

A full-grown French bulldog’s diet depends on two main things – size and activity level.

Size –

Small (16-20 lbs )- 500-600 calories per day.

Medium (21-25 lbs) – 600-700 calories per day.

Large (26-28 lbs) – 700-800 calories per day.

Activity Level –

Couch potato: Needs less food (minus 100 calories).

Average adventurer: Perfect at the recommended amount.

Zoomies champion: Needs more fuel (plus 100 calories).

  • Note – You can adjust sizes accordingly
How much should a full grown French bulldog eat a day?


Frenchie fitness check –

  • Body Condition Score (BCS) is your compass –ÂA gentle waistline, ribs you can feel with minimal pressure, and a defined abdominal muscle line – indicate an ideal BCS (4-5 on a scale of 9) for your Frenchie.
  • Weight Watch is crucial – Regularly monitor your pup’s weight and adjust their food intake based on the BCS. Gaining?ÂReduce portions slightly. Looking too thin?ÂGive them a small kibble boost.
  • While this might appear challenging at first, remember that daily practice and experience will help you master it!

Beyond Age and Activity –

  • Individuality is key: Consider any health conditions, breeding history, and even the environment’s temperature to fine-tune their calorie needs.
  • Veterinarian wisdom is invaluable: They can assess your Frenchie’s specific requirements and help create a personalized feeding plan for optimal health.

The blueprint for how much full grown French bulldog eat a day–

Remember, this is a guide, not a rigid recipe. Consulting your veterinarian and observing your Frenchie’s individual needs are the secret ingredients to unlocking French bulldog’s daily diet. Bon appétit, little gourmands!

What is the age of full grown French bulldog?

More French bulldogs are considered fully grown between 12 and 14 months old. This means they’ve reached their adult size and weight, which for Frenchies typically ranges from 16 to 28 pounds

However, remember that growth can happen in stages –

6-12 months – They’ll go through a rapid growth spurt, reaching most of their adult height and weight.

12-18 months – Muscles continue to develop and fill out, giving them their more robust adult physique.

Here are some signs your Frenchie might be approaching full grown –

Their growth slows down significantly.

  • They reach their expected adult weight according to their size.
  • Their puppy fluff transforms into their adult coat.
  • Their playful energy might become more focused and controlled.

If you’re ever unsure about your Frenchie’s development, always consult your veterinarian. They can monitor their growth and ensure they’re on the right track to a healthy adulthood.

So, enjoy those adorable puppy months while they last, but rest assured, your furry friend will soon be a fully grown (and equally lovable) Frenchie companion in no time!