We’ve all seen those hairy dogs that have frequent visits to a groomer for their trims. You can always tell when a dog has a haircut, much like you can with a human. But if you’re in the process of thinking about getting a Frenchie, you might want to know more about their hair, and whether they need haircuts. There’s a quick answer below.
Do French Bulldogs need haircuts? Frenchies do not need haircuts. As a short-haired breed of dog, their hair and fur remains short and does not need to be regularly cut. Frenchie will require a little grooming, but there is no need to trim their hair.
Whilst Frenchies don’t need haircuts, that doesn’t mean this breed is completely maintenance free.
Claude will often roll around in mud, getting into dirty water, and generally make himself completely filthy. You can see a photo of him below where he’s just about to make our lives a bit more difficult!